» Book Reports Essays and Papers
Sin In The Minister�s Black Veil And The Scarlet Letter
<view this essay>.... As a writer in the hub of Puritan activity--Salem--he grew up indoctrinated with Christian values, but soon experimented with the philosophical ideas put forth in his lifetime. Perhaps wrestling with Puritanical mores, Hawthorne not only incorporates the new philosophy into his writing, he gives his readers the chance to evaluate for themselves the possibilities of other beliefs. What seems most imteresting in Hawthorne�s texts is the wrestling between two belief systems. On the one hand, Puritanism bestows doctrine which valued the greater moral good of the community over an individual�s well-being. In this sense, the community/society remains the cent .....
Number of words: 2054 | Number of pages: 8 |
Dantes Inferno 2
<view this essay>.... true nature of the soul is conveyed through anguish.
The struggle of spirit that Dante undergoes when entering Hell mirrors the trials that humanity faces. The author conveys that in order to persevere through hardship, the nature of evil must be learned and refused. By using Virgil as a representation of reason, Alighieri shows that in order to face evil, morality and intellect are required. As Virgil leads Dante into Hell, he says, "Here you must put by all division of spirit and gather your soul against all cowardice. This is the place I told you to expect. Here you shall pass among the fallen people, souls who have lost the good of intellect." (14-18) Wit .....
Number of words: 662 | Number of pages: 3 |
Hamlets Tragic Flaw
<view this essay>.... most unnatural murder” demands the ghost in (Act I, Scene 5, line 23). The fact that his own uncle could kill his father leaves Hamlet enraged and confused. Although Hamlet knows something is wrong in Denmark, he begins to question everything that the ghost has told him. In this scenario that calls for quick decisive behavior, Hamlet is too busy thinking. An example of this is seen in Act III, when Hamlet has his knife over the head of Claudius, prepared to murder him, and talks himself out of it. Instead, Hamlet writes a play in which the actors play out the same story the ghost tells Hamlet. His plan is to study Claudius’s reaction to the pl .....
Number of words: 675 | Number of pages: 3 |
"Evolution Of A Naturalist": The Biography Of Charles Darwin
<view this essay>.... got him thinking about how species changed over time and that maybe different species were related through ancestors.
Another character trait that helped him achieve his goal was bravery. When he first found out about the expedition on the Beagle, Charles knew that if he took this chance, he would have to face deadly swamps, fatal diseases and even savages. Yet the thought of traveling to the beautiful tropics and maybe discovering a new species meant more to him. Even as he experienced extreme seasickness almost everyday of the five year long voyage, Darwin would not turn around and go back to England.
Another and maybe the most important trait was the a .....
Number of words: 355 | Number of pages: 2 |
1984: Dystopian Visions
<view this essay>.... The Party
and to concern themselves with only the party. Everything that they did
was for The Party, and first and foremost they were not to betray in any
way. The Inner Party had planned the destiny of Oceania and its people;
they were systematically tailoring their society to meet their needs.
Their issue was not just of power, but rather absolute control. To achieve
absolute control over people is a powerful concept. Peoples minds become
distorted and their original objectives are left behind. The Party thought
they were doing things for the good of the people, when really all they
were doing was killing them. They were smothering them with rules an .....
Number of words: 853 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Great Gatsby: Symbolism In Colors
<view this essay>.... white to symbolize innocence. He also uses the color
green to express hope. Fitzgerald's use of the color green the strongest.
Although these are not the only colors that Fitzgerald uses for symbolism, they
are the ones that he expresses the most. This book is a very colorful book in
the sense that it uses colors to cover so many different aspects of peoples
Fitzgerald uses the color yellow to symbolize moral decay. On (Page 18)
he writes " The lamp-light, bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf
yellow of her hair." He is talking about Tom and Jordan Baker, and he is
suggesting that tom might be heading for moral decay. In the book there .....
Number of words: 782 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Awakening 3
<view this essay>.... have dealt with the question of whether to live a life of servitude or to pursue one’s greater happiness. Immanuel Kant stipulates that the more people cultivate their reason, the less likely they are to find happiness. He states that “everyone is/should be aware of his/her duty, or how one ought to act.” Everyone has a goal within himself/herself, and it is his/her responsibility to reach for it and achieve it. In “The Awakening,” Edna does not take responsibility. She tries her entire life to fit in the prescribed mold that her husband set for her. She invests so much time into duty and responsibility that she l .....
Number of words: 971 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Major Years: Isolation And Emily Grierson - A Deadly Combination
<view this essay>.... innocence, simplicity, and strength, but he also knew that these
things were being hidden by reality. "With Faulkner, as with all men, the
personal condition underlay and shaped his view of the human condition" (Backman,
The critic goes on to note that men in Faulkner's works tend to
undermine women and their roles in society. Women are oppressed and are usually
controlled by men. The women try to fight the men in their society and are
trying to find a way to escape from their grasps. They are hesitant to stand up
to the men and instead they tend to hide away. Backman notes that, "The will to
confront reality seems to be losing out to the ne .....
Number of words: 841 | Number of pages: 4 |