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What Is Phreaking Exactly
Part 1 of Essay
This file was just to be a short set of definitions for those of you
who don't know all the phreaking terms. This was requested by a few people
on a small 312 board called The Magnetic Field Elite (312-966-0708, call,
board has potential) like The Don. But I have decided against making this
small file that is common i ....
Part 2 of Essay .... Now, the phone is a device that transfer sounds as sound enters a receiver,
is transfered to an amount of voltage, sent through the telephone lines and
decodes back to sound. A modem is based on a universal language of sounds
transfered through the modem. Modem stands for the work Modulator/Demodulator
This is like receiveing and sending. Now, with most modems, before connecting,
tones just are just the same as the tones that a common phone can make.
But the phone can make many tones and so ....
Word count: 1880 | Approximate pages: 7
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