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Lord Of The Flies 12
Part 1 of Essay
In a great work of literature, violence is only used as needed. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, violence is used to convey his idea that if man is left alone without rules, he will turn into a savage. Throughout the novel scenes of violence are used to show the escalating acts of bestiality of the characters as ....
Part 2 of Essay .... had let the beast inside of him be seen. All of the boys were showing signs of savagery. William Golding uses this to foreshadow the upcoming deaths brought on by man's animalistic actions.
The forming of two different groups, or tribes, did nothing to lessen the problems. Jack, the leader of the newer yet larger group, based his philosophy of surviving on killing and hunting. On one of his groups hunting trips a wild boar is killed and beheaded. The head was placed on spear, which was stuck in the groun ....
Word count: 583 | Approximate pages: 3
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