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Maurice Agulhon. The Republica
Part 1 of Essay
n Experiment, 1848-1852.
London and New York: Cambridge University Press. 1983.Pp195.
This books main objective was to describe how France was in the process of becoming a democratic Republic. The book gave a full evolution and fulfillment that France made by the first four years of its first trial run at becoming a democ ....
Part 2 of Essay .... all the time, those who were in opposition.
The textbook as compared to the book chosen was alike in many aspects. Not only did the two books contain a lot of information but also the book compared very similarly with the classroom notes. Many of the ideas that were briefly discussed in class were given in much more detail in the book. The book information really did not differ in the views that were depicted in the textbook. Both sources were good detailed accounts of history during the republican era.
The i ....
Word count: 430 | Approximate pages: 2
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