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The Shield Of Achilles
Part 1 of Essay
plays a major part in the Iliad. It portrays the
story of the Achaeans and their fight against the Trojans in a microcosm of the
larger story. Forged by the god, Hephaestus, who was a crippled smith, it
depicts the two cities and the happenings within, as well as Agamemnon's kingly
estate. To gain insight into the details ....
Part 2 of Essay .... the heavens and earth and sea, two noble cities, a king's estate, fallow
fields, a thriving vineyard, a herd of longhorn cattle, and a dancing circle.
Once Hephaestus completes the shield he makes a breastplate and helmet for
Achilles. The armor he forges is indestructible and worthy of a god. Through
Homer's description of the shield and how it is forged, the reader can begin to
understand the importance and value of this device in a literary context.
The two cities depicted on the shield represent a c ....
Word count: 767 | Approximate pages: 3
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