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Joyce's "The Dead"
Part 1 of Essay
James Joyce's story "The Dead" has a tremendous impact on the
readers, especially those who are familiar with the political situation in
Ireland at the time about which the Joyce wrote the final story in
Dubliners. In exploring the meaning of James Joyce's long short-story,
"The Dead", there are many critical approaches t ....
Part 2 of Essay .... Gabriel,
who is a university professor, does not want to be identified with Ireland.
He wants to be identifies as a citizen of the world.
His arrogance is revealed in his interaction with others. A
primary example would be the way he treats his wife Gretta as an object.
As Peter J. Rabinowitz informs one that in reader response
criticism the "�activity of reading always alters the text at hand. Unless
we are limiting ourselves to reading in the sense of uninflected recitation,
reading is never a pas ....
Word count: 1061 | Approximate pages: 4
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