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James Joyce's "Araby"
Part 1 of Essay
In James Joyce's short story "Araby," several different micro-cosms
are evident. The story demonstrates adolescence, maturity, and public life
in Dublin at that time. As the reader, you learn how this city has grown to
destroy this young boy's life and hopes, and create the person that he is
as a narrator.
In "Araby," the ....
Part 2 of Essay .... Dublin.
The antagonist in this story, which can easily be determined is the
culture and life in Dublin. This has a great effect on the boy and the rest
of the people from this city. Dublin is referred to as the "center of
paralyses,"(Internet) and "indeed sterile."(Joyce) This plays a huge role
in the forming of this boy's life, where there is no fun. "Araby" is a
story "of a soul-shriveling Irish asceticism, which renders hopes and
dreams not only foolish, but sinful."(Coulthard) In the story, the only
thing ....
Word count: 466 | Approximate pages: 2
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