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To Sir With Love - Change
Part 1 of Essay
Change: Man's ability to adapt his thinking
In the novel To Sir With Love various human characteristics are portrayed.
Of these, the idea that humans are able to adapt and change their way of
thinking seems to be demonstrated throughout the story. In the novel, both
the teacher, Braithewaite, and his students end up going ....
Part 2 of Essay .... are the total opposites of his of his initial ideas.
This is gradually shown through their actions, such as such as the students
all going to visit the house of their black friend during his crisis, or
their learning to treat each other with respect;they learned to address
each other as their last names, inthe case of the boys, and "Miss", for the
girls. For the students,they learned to respect and really learn from their
teacher,something they had never cared to do before. Braithewaite helped
them to break out ....
Word count: 681 | Approximate pages: 3
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