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Man's Evil Nature In Lord Of The Flies
Part 1 of Essay
When young boys are abandoned on an uninhabited island without
adults, even they are capable of murder. This is the scenario depicted in
the British author, William Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, written and
published in 1954 during World War 2. Comparing the characters of Jack,
Ralph, Piggy and Simon with Freud's t ....
Part 2 of Essay .... id, represents the carnal drives in man. He illustrates
this through painting his face. By painting his face, Jack suppresses his
ego and superego, causing Jack to be capable of acts of violence without
having any repercussions. Jack portrays this violence in different ways.
First, Jack enjoys hunting because he gets to kill pigs. Often, in Lord of
the Flies, Jack is consumed by killing pigs, and desires nothing more. The
drive to kill rules his thoughts. In Jacks statement "'We're strong-we
hunt! If there' ....
Word count: 849 | Approximate pages: 4
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