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Orwell's Animal Farm: Summary Of Characters
Part 1 of Essay
Stalin's five-year plan was made to upgrade Russia and bring it current
with the rest of the world within a five-year period. In Orwell's book Animal
Farm, Napoleon - Snowball thinks up the idea of constructing a windmill which
looks like it is designed to bring the farm up to current technology. In both
cases, Stalin ....
Part 2 of Essay .... people
against them.
Boxer is a cart horse who works night and day on the windmill and for
Napoleon's cause. When he hurts his hoof and is unable to work, Napoleon is
uncaring and sends him off to the slaughterhouse since he is of no further use.
Some of the animals come to realize what is happening and are mad at Napoleon,
but Napoleon talks his way out of it by convincing the animals that they are
mistaken and the hospital uses vehicles marked "slaughterhouse" to pick up
injured animals. Stalin's characte ....
Word count: 403 | Approximate pages: 2
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