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Orson Scottt Card's Ender's Game
Part 1 of Essay
The book starts off with Ender getting his monitor off. A monitor is
something that they but on the back of these peoples necks to see if they are a
good candidate to be a general to fight the buggers. The buggers are aliens.
Well, since he is not monitored anymore people who have always wanted to fight
him can now fight ....
Part 2 of Essay .... that
anybody has ever graduated, he's a genius.) He then goes to command school were
he learns how to control fleets of star ships. They put him in a simulator and
he is given many missions to fly. Then one day his inspectors say that today is
his final mission before they grade him. He up agents a whole planet and a vast
number of ships. He ends up winning by using a secret weapon on the planet that
blows it up. When he finishes the battle he realizes that everyone is cheering
behind him. When he asks why the ....
Word count: 710 | Approximate pages: 3
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