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Georg Simon Ohm
Part 1 of Essay
At the time was born not much was known about
electricity, he was out to change this. Georg grew up in Bavaria which is why
most information about Georg is in German. There is even a College named after
him: Georg-Simon-Ohm Fachhochschule Nuernberg. To much dismay not a whole lot
has been written about him. Usually yo ....
Part 2 of Essay .... 1805. He spent the next years looking for a better teaching
position. He found what he was looking for in 1817 when a job was made
available to him at Cologne Gymnasium. He now looked to research electrical
current. In 1827 he published Die galvanishce Kette, mathematisch bearbeit (The
Galvanic Circuit, Mathematically Treated). This was a mathematical description
of conduction in circuits modeled after Fourier's study of heat conduction.
This is also known as Ohm's Law.
Ohm's Law, which is Georg's greatest ....
Word count: 631 | Approximate pages: 3
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