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Media Mergers
<view this essay>.... in the shape of an upward spiral.
Media corporations are now exactly like that ocean of fish. But instead of an ocean full of many competing fish, there are now only five powerful ones. With these five �big fish� of media corporations, the communication of truth may be thrown off balance.
Time Warner merges with Turner. Viacom merges with CBS. Disney merges with ABC. Merger mergers with Merger. Tongue-Twister? - Or a large fear from the public? Mergers have become rampant throughout the United States and all around the globe. Large media corporations are being gobbled up by even larger media corporations in a matter of months. With all this in light .....
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3 |
Monetary Devaluation
<view this essay>.... of goods and services to the exterior (exports) as well as the income of capital such as foreign savings or direct investment. When imports and exports are not balanced the offer and demand of dollars is altered, which can also be affected in a short time for speculative reasons or simply as a precaution.
The changes in the economical situation of our country or in the ones with whom we realize mostly the exchange of goods and services, affect the behavior of demand and offer of dollars and as a consequence its price. If in Mexico the exchange type maintains fixed and the tendency of high prices is bigger than that one of the countries with .....
Number of words: 715 | Number of pages: 3 |
<view this essay>.... to support agriculture, their
output could be worth at least $20 billion a year...the expense of
rehabilitating the degraded lands, and of halting the spread of deserts,
need no more than $2.5 billion a year." Even though the governments refuse
to put money into the fight against desertification there is still hope
through many agricultural foundations that aid poorer countries. If this
money is used wisely then the causes of desertification may be stopped.
Desertification is caused not only by nature but also by human factors
(over-grazing, poor irrigation, deforestation, and over-cultivation) all of
which are preventable.
Livestock, in many contine .....
Number of words: 1163 | Number of pages: 5 |
Book Report On 1984 By George
<view this essay>.... ankle. He had to wear blue overalls as a rule of the party. He lives in Victory Mansions by himself. One vocabulary word that I didn’t know I found on page 6, eddies, which is a current air running contrary to the main current. Also on page 6 I learned that in this place where Winston lives they use what is called a telescreen which watches and hears everything everyone is doing. There is a telescreen placed in every corner of every room. This telescreen could not be turned off. If you are heard thinking of something the Big Brother does not want you to think then you will be punished by the Thought Police. This punishment could be death or a s .....
Number of words: 1968 | Number of pages: 8 |
Working 2
<view this essay>.... is earned, not given. Money is most commonly earned through work, which makes work the center of our life. This being said, it would be easy to assume that studying and analyzing the history of work can lead to understanding ourselves as society and as individuals. For example, two hundred years ago, most people did not go to work; instead they worked at home on the farm. In the 1800s about 90 percent of Americans were farmers. People did not use clocks. They worked with the sun and seasons. People made a living by growing their own and trading. They did not rely on wages. As industrialization hit America, within a century most farmers came into cities .....
Number of words: 792 | Number of pages: 3 |
October Sky
<view this essay>.... about the launch of the satellite, they said "the world could now see how the new socialist society turns even the most daring of man's dreams into a reality." After the launch of Sputnik, everything changed in Homer Hickam's life: his social life, intelligence, leadership, and his future. The launch of Sputnik captured the public's imagination and influenced many people as well as Homer to learn more about the satellite and space. It was in the that people around the world finally realized the capabilities of mankind; they realized man can turn his dreams into reality, just like Homer did. His dream to fly off into the was an influence for him to becom .....
Number of words: 1099 | Number of pages: 4 |
Why Public Education Must Integrate Information Technology
<view this essay>.... the educational experience from the isolated kingdom which is each classroom, is costing too much. Salaries are 80% to 90% of each school budget. This is at a salary level that does not attract people to the teaching profession for the money, or the prestige.
Combining educational reform with technology can allow us to maximize the time and efforts of the good teachers. Teaching is interacting with students, not taking attendance or duplicating handouts. There could be many, less skilled, educational support jobs in the schools of the future (Layton 1).
There is also a need to provide the teachers and students time together when and where it is most needed. .....
Number of words: 1281 | Number of pages: 5 |
Definition Paper American
<view this essay>.... rechristened San Salvador. Following this, Columbus made three other voyages to America in 1493, 1498, and 1502. During those trips, he touched the coasts of South and Central America. In that time, the continent was known by the earliest explorers and historians as the Indies, the West Indies, or the New World.
In 1499, Alonso de Ojeda and Juan de la Cosa visited South America, and with them went Amerigo Vespucci who wrote such popular accounts of his own deeds that the German geographer Martin Waldseemuller coined the word "America" in Cosmographiae Introductio, a small work designed to accompany and explain a wall map and globe executed by Waldseemuller. .....
Number of words: 375 | Number of pages: 2 |