» Miscellaneous Essays and Papers
Trade Commission
<view this essay>.... guidelines were implemented, giving the public and the industry time to see if the guidelines have done their job in a cost-effective manner and whether or not they need to be retooled for an industry that has gone through considerable technological and economic changes. Therefore, it would seem reasonable to conduct a survey that would target key areas, such as any overlapping of the guidelines with federal, state, and local laws, the integrity of industry self-regulation in a new era of economic and technological advances, and whether or not the guidelines have imposed undue cost to both the industry and the public.
Few would argue with the points of the or .....
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... that during the time of Samhain, the ghosts of the dead were able
to mingle with the living. The Celtic folk would leave out gifts of food
and drink for the dead souls. On All Souls Day, November 2, people would
walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes", made out of square
pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggar would receive,
the more prayers they promised to say for the dead relatives of the donors.
` The practice of trick-or-treating began when people who were
"souling" began to dress like the dead souls, performing antics in exchange
for food and drink. This practice became known as "mumming". So to this
d .....
Number of words: 397 | Number of pages: 2 |
Four Myth Theories
<view this essay>.... were made to better understand natural events and forces that occurred in the everyday lives of people. This theory also explains that the gods and goddesses controlled all of these happenings of nature. Examples of this type of myth are creation myths from different cultures. Creation myths explain how man was created and explain what the gods and goddesses used and what actions they took to create humans. These myths also tell what substances were used (if any) in order for man to exist. The existence of man is a natural event but creation myths give other
The functional myth theory talks about how myths were used to teach morality
an .....
Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3 |
Ontological And Cosmological Arguments Of God's Existence
<view this essay>.... 'existence in the understanding' vs. 'existence in reality.' He defines God as the greatest conceivable or possible being. He adds that any person who hears this statement describing God understands what is meant. His argument is that if God did not exist, then a being greater than God would be possible. This being then would be greater than the greatest possible being, which is impossible. Therefore he proves that there is no being greater than God and hence God exists. His argument is also based on the premise that "the idea of an eternal being who either does not yet exist or no longer exists is self-contradictory, so that the very idea we have of su .....
Number of words: 2920 | Number of pages: 11 |
Mind-body Distinction
<view this essay>.... a mind. Substances with shape, mass, and other physical properties characterize the physical. In contrast, substances without any size, shape, mass often characterize the mental.
One of the first things about our bodies is that they have limitations that we may think are not there. Our bodies seem to be what they are no matter what we think about them. Although you can change your body by changing your body image, you can never become the ideal person you think you can be. Thus, our bodies seem to exist and be what they are independently from what any mind thinks they are. Are bodies are physical and can not be changed because we can see them change in our mi .....
Number of words: 458 | Number of pages: 2 |
Octavio Ocampo
<view this essay>.... the art connoisseur to businessmen and professionals are thrilled by the reactions they get when one of his pieces is on their walls. His works are �conversation pieces� done in a style which has been deemed Metamorphic art. Pictured here is Lupe.
Metamorphic art is a new innovative style which blends Dali like surrealism with landscape realism. Each picture is a complete landscape in of itself. This technique �superimposes and juxtaposes realistic and figurative� details within images he creates. Only upon closer scrutiny do you actually realize that each facet of the work is something else. In Metamorphic art flowers become faces. Mourners over coffins beco .....
Number of words: 3286 | Number of pages: 12 |
Its A Right Handed World
<view this essay>.... and in the instructions that they must learn from. We allow left-handers into our classrooms, into our workplaces, and on our playing fields, but we still make it difficult for them to fit in and to feel comfortable.
The issues affecting left-handed people are much more serious than most people realize. There are many things that right-handed people take for granted that are more difficult for left-handers. This includes many basic skills taught in school, such as learning to write, learning to use scissors, and learning various crafts, hobbies, sports, and other activities. If we don't teach left-handed children just as well as we teach right-handers, they ar .....
Number of words: 568 | Number of pages: 3 |
Arival Time Of School Essay
<view this essay>.... needs to be done for tomorrow. Plus projects that are due,
persuasive essays that need written, and the time you need to be a teenager.
Most students even have so much work that they�ll stay up all night just to get it
done. When needing a minimum of 9 hours of sleep as a teenager, getting up at
6:30 to be ready for school is just not enough time. It�s easy to think that
students will just procrastinate even more, but the average teenager is smarter
than you may think.
It sounds absurd to think that students sleep during the school day. The
fact is that many students fall asleep during class. Remember that sleep isn�t
something you can make yourself no .....
Number of words: 390 | Number of pages: 2 |