» Legal Issues Essays and Papers
Facts About Marijuana
<view this essay>.... what they used it for:
the control of muscle spasms, reduction of pain, and for indegestion.
Imagine that if they still practiced this, instead of taking an Alka
Seltzer after you had mom's Chili or Tacos, you might be sitting in
the living room on the LAY-Z Boy, smoking a joint or however they
would take it. The folk medicine of Africa and Asia have used it as an
herbal preparation. A "mythical" and "legendary" pharmacist and
emperor Shen Nung thought using it as a seditive was all right. In
2,700 B.C. that same "mythical" emperor said it helped female
weakness, gout, rheumatism, .....
Number of words: 1254 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Mafia And Street Gangs
<view this essay>.... are just continuing what these groups started many decades ago.
In the seventeenth century, Arab forces occupied Sicily. The native Sicilians were oppressed and took refuge in the surrounding hills. The Sicilians formed a secret society to unite the natives against the Arab and Norman invaders. This secret society was called Mafia after the Arabic word for refuge. The society's intentions were to create a sense of family based on ancestry and Sicilian heritage. In the 1800's, pictures of a black hand were distributed to the wealthy. This was an unspoken request for an amount of money in return for protection. If the money wasn't paid, the recipients co .....
Number of words: 1428 | Number of pages: 6 |
A Comparison Of Male Juvenile Sex Offenders With Delinquent Non-Offenders
<view this essay>.... statistics from 1986 indicate that males under the age of 14 yrs. committed 18% of all violent crimes, 19% of forcible rapes, 18% of all other sexual offenses , and 14% of all aggravated assaults (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1987).
In Harris County alone, over 34,000 youths are referred to the courts (Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,1994). This is not only a nation wide problem, it is obviously a major problem in Harris County as well. There has been a steady increase in juvenile referrals since 1991 (Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,1993). Of these referrals, over 200 are sexual assaults (Harris County Juvenile Probation Dep .....
Number of words: 1656 | Number of pages: 7 |
Evironmental Law: Enforcement Measures And Effectiveness
<view this essay>.... problems plaguing our environment today, but nothing is
really being done about them; why ? Finally what is the polluters point of
view in all of this ?
To begin with, in some areas there are both federal and provincial
legislation to ensure that companies and individuals respect the environment.
Federally the central piece of legislation in Canada is the Canadian
Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). "CEPA is the consolidation of five
statutes: The Environmental Contaminants Act, the Air Quality Act, the Canada
Water Act, the Ocean Dumping Act, and the Department of the Environment Act." (
Muldon, 1995, p. 23) The CEPA contains important penalties and .....
Number of words: 1789 | Number of pages: 7 |
Analysis Of Police Corruption
<view this essay>.... to steal money from dealers or distribute cocaine themselves.
Large groups of corrupt police have been caught in New York, New Orleans,
Washington, DC, and Los Angeles.
Methodology: Corruption within police departments falls into 2
basic categories, which are external corruption and internal corruption.
In this report I will concentrate only on external corruption because it
has been the larger center of attention recently. I have decided to
include the fairly recent accounts of corruption from a few major cities,
mainly New York, because that is where I have lived for the past 22 years.
I compiled my information from numerous articles writte .....
Number of words: 3192 | Number of pages: 12 |
Setting Up A Dummy Corporation...
<view this essay>.... They
tell the bank "I can't pay" but I'm such a fabulous person you should
renegotiate my loan. Bullshit!
How fast do you think the bank would have you or me out on our ass? In record
time, right? Money is power and unless you have money you're powerless right?
Money is an illusion. Power is an illusion. Both are projected by cunning and
affluent people and organizations to get what they want. And, if they can't pay
for it, they go bankrupt or renegotiate. Why should they have all that luxury
and not us? Hell, I can default on a loan as well as any of them!
Almost every company in America will ship you goods on credit if you project the
right image .....
Number of words: 3225 | Number of pages: 12 |
Falsely Accused
<view this essay>.... and hundreds of innocent people
endangered and injured by the terrible incident in Atlanta. He also had to go
through being accused of being behind the whole thing . How much worse could it
get? I mean what should people start to think ? He said that he felt like an
animal being stalked , just waiting to be killed . Now who are we to listen to ?
This innocent man or the media , who obviously will print what it takes true or
untrue , to make a story .
I think that we as Americans owe the accused of there legal right of
innocent until proven guilty before we can start accusing them publicly. There
is no reason to believe what is being said in the media until .....
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Drinking Age: An 18-Year-Olds Right
<view this essay>.... an adult at 18, and can serve his or her country and vote in
it's elections, he or she ought to be able to have a drink.(Toomey 1) This
is exactly the way I feel about it. The drinking age should be lowered to
During the period in the 70's when many states were lowering their
drinking ages scientists started doing studies to determine whether or not
the younger drinking ages had any effect on automobile accidents. These
studies generally concluded that traffic accidents significantly increased
among teenagers after the MLDA was lowered.(Toomey 1) It can, however,
easily be argued that since these studies came out right after the drinking
ages had b .....
Number of words: 1958 | Number of pages: 8 |