» Health and Medicine Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... untreated. The psychological dependence an alcoholic has is when they think alcohol is necessary and life will not be good without it. The physical dependence an alcoholic has is when their body becomes so used to the drug that it now needs alcohol to function without pain. is not a disease experienced only by adults. , like any illness, can strike at any age. Ten percent of the adult drinkers in the U.S. are considered alcoholics or at least experience drinking problems to some degree. Surveys have shown that more than one out of three Americans have a personal friend or relative who has had a drinking problem for ten years or longer. Almost two out o .....
Number of words: 2067 | Number of pages: 8 |
No-Calorie Powder May Substitute For Food's Fat
<view this essay>.... of the hydrogen peroxide and the centrifuge. That made
it smooth. Now, it is a fine, white cellulose powder that can be made into a
gel by adding water.
Inglett also developed Oatrim. This is made up of a digestible fiber
from oat flour that provides four calories per gram.
Z-Trim compared to another fat substitute, olestra, is different.
Olestra can cause gastrointestinal distress and take vitamins and carotenoids
out of the body. The new substitute does not have those affects. Inglett says
that you should eat more of the kind of fibers that make up Z-Trim to reduce
the chances of getting intestinal disorders.
But there are some people who argue with .....
Number of words: 383 | Number of pages: 2 |
Lucid Dreaming: Asleep And Aware
<view this essay>.... "awakening" is usually triggered by the dreamer noticing
something in the dream that is far too unusual to be real (Blackmore 362).
The actual term lucid dreaming was first used by the Dutch psychiatrist
Fredrick van Olen in 1913. It simply means "clear dreaming" (Blackmore
Surveys and research have shown that 50 percent of all Americans
have had at least one lucid dream in their life that they could recall
(Lucid Dreaming 365). When a dreamer becomes lucid there are physical
changes on the outside of the body and brain patterns also change. There
are usually pauses in breathing and changes in heart rate. The amount of
brain activity is more heighte .....
Number of words: 1268 | Number of pages: 5 |
Teenage Suicide
<view this essay>.... years.
Teenagers tend to commit suicide after large changes, significant losses,
or abuse has occurred in their lives. An important change in a relationship,
school or body image may contribute to a teenagers' tendency to commit suicide.
The death of a loved one, the loss of a valued relationship, and the loss of
self esteem are some significant losses which might be a factor in teen
suicide("The Real World [Suicide: Facts]," 1). Perceived abuse such as
physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, social abuse or neglect can lead to
self-murder("Teen Suicide," 3). Significant changes, losses, and abuse can
promote suicidal tendencies.
Few suicidal p .....
Number of words: 1015 | Number of pages: 4 |
Bubonic Plague
<view this essay>.... vomiting, headache, giddiness, intolerance to light, and a white
coating on your tongue. The symptoms become worse as the disease spread through
the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The later symptoms, as you begin to
experience the last stages of the disease, are your back starts to hurt and
painful swelling of your lymph nodes. Hard lumps filled with blood and puss
called "boboes",from which the disease gets it name, form on various parts of
your lymphatic system, such as your neck, inner thigh, groin, and armpits.
This stage is the most painful. Blood vessels break and later the dry blood
turns black underneath your skin.
The treatment for the plag .....
Number of words: 309 | Number of pages: 2 |
Bipolar Disorder
<view this essay>.... and sexual actives, and in some cases even false beliefs and hallucinations. Depressive phase usually consist of low self-esteem, drug use, insomnia, tiredness, thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, memory loss.
Hospitalization may be required for treatment during bad phases. Sometimes it gets so bad that a person must be put in mental institute. There are medications for such as lithium and other anti-depressants and attention deficit disorder hyperactive (ADDH) medications. Sometime a person when depressed might try to treat it them self by using drugs and alcohol which just makes it worst and even makes them more depressed. Such as if someone is going .....
Number of words: 442 | Number of pages: 2 |
AIDS:Is There A Cure? Are There Preventions?
<view this essay>.... having
sexual intercourse with someone infected with the virus. AIDS is transmitted
this way by way of the semen. This is also the way most people get AIDS.
(Madaras,187) The second most common way people get AIDS is by dirty intravenous
needles. It is transmitted by the blood or other body fluids on the needle, and
when someone else then uses the same needle, they have a high risk of catching
the virus. The third most common way AIDS is spread is by blood transfusions.
This is done almost the same way as by IV needle but it is always by the
blood.(Madaras,187) The most rare way the AIDS virus is spread is by a mother
passing it to fetus inside her.(Madar .....
Number of words: 1091 | Number of pages: 4 |
Alzheimer's Disease: "Where Has Yesterday Gone"
<view this essay>.... and actions that are so vital to live a full and
functioning life. Memory is the key that unlocks doors that keep us functioning,
not only mentally but physically (Corrick 32)."
"Memory loss is not a sign of decay (Freedman 10)." As we get older,
there is some mild impairment in our recollection of recent events, such as
forgetting why one went into a room or misplacing a person's eye glasses, which
even young are guilty of doing. As reported by Larry Squire, "forgetting is
quite normal and usually develops in the third decade of life, and by one
estimate 85 percent of the healthy elderly – those over 65—suffer some memory
impairment (59)."
According to D .....
Number of words: 2690 | Number of pages: 10 |