» Health and Medicine Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... ( www.save.org/)".
Depression is a disease affecting the entire mind and body, causing a person to feel miserable in many ways. Changes in brain chemistry make it happen. It is a brain disease. We do not know what causes depression . We used to think it was due to something unhappy in a person's life or to some psychological hang-up. We now know, however, that this disease happens to people who have no reason "to be depressed." In other words, depression can strike normal and healthy people.
A depressed person will feel very tired all the time, even when they have not worked or exerted themselves very much. They will be just as tired on days when they h .....
Number of words: 2253 | Number of pages: 9 |
Supporting A Condom-Nation
<view this essay>.... of prophylactics in an educational institute is a effective way to protect those students who decide to become sexually active.
In Condoms: The New Diploma, Rush Limbaugh, a popular and arguable radio talk show host, proclaims that the circulation of condoms in schools is practically an invitation for students to engage in sexual activities (Limbaugh 426). While his arguments and rationalizations are humorous and intriguing, they are extremely pessimistic and narrow-minded. Limbaugh also mentions a few instances in which school boards have denounced educating students on the topic of abstinence. Unfortunately, this has been the case in a minority of regi .....
Number of words: 579 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Black Death
<view this essay>.... the eventual death of anyone infected with the disease. Epidemics of the bubonic plague have been occurring since 430 BC, but the most widespread one was in fourteenth century Europe.
is believed to have begun in China in the 1330�s plague. Through trade the disease reached Italy in 1347 and spread throughout the rest of Europe. The plague is spread fleas that infect rats. The rats tended to live in areas that are unclean. Unfortunately medieval society in general was unclean. It was even considered unhealthy to take baths. The results of the plague were devastating. Heavily populated areas such as major cities were the hardest hit. By 1350 a third .....
Number of words: 504 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... are kept
alive by the use of defribbrilators, respirators, pacemakers and other
similar equipment. A study was done by the American Encephalograhic Soceity
has concluded that when an EEG reading is what is known as "flat line" the
person, is officially dead. What this actually means is that although there
may not be any brain activity, other vital organs can work by means of
certain equipment. Now heart- lung machines can augment the duration of
Well some say that life is precious, HOW IS LIFE PRECIOUS, WHEN IT CAN
I believe that Euthanasia should be legalized because of that option
of dying. People say that th .....
Number of words: 419 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Effects Of Marijuana Use
<view this essay>.... stimulation, giddiness, and euphoria, followed by sedation and
pleasant tranquillity. Other pleasure giving effects include a state of
relaxation, a sense of heightened taste, touch, smell and hearing, also a
heighten sense of awareness might be experience too. The effects can be
quite different depending on the amount of the drug consumed and the
circumstances under which it is taken. Marijuana has not been proven to be
physically addicting and no physical withdraw symptoms occur when its use
is discontinued.
Second of all, marijuana usage can also have non-pleasure giving
effects. Mood changes are often accompanied by altered perceptions of time
a .....
Number of words: 529 | Number of pages: 2 |
AIDS: Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
<view this essay>.... is like what the ninties is about...
sex and drugs(what a great generation huh).
Everyone's doing drugs and having pre-marital sex at a young irresponsable
age, it's getting so bad I am beginning to believe that I am the only normal
person left.
You used to only be able to get an HIV test at your doctor, but now they
have home tests that are confidential. You go to the store pick one up prick
your finger then mail in the blood sample, in about two or three weeks you call
in and enter your special pin number and they give you your results. I think
this is cool but there has to be some drawbacks like them getting samples messed
up and it getting mixed .....
Number of words: 685 | Number of pages: 3 |
Tobacco In America
<view this essay>.... Joe Camel, the "smooth character"
from R.J. Reynolds, who is shown as a dromedary with complete style has been
attacked by many Tobacco-Free Kids organizations as a major influence on the
children of America. Dr. Lonnie Bristow, AMA (American Medical Association)
spokesman, remarks that "to kids, cute cartoon characters mean that the product
is harmless, but cigarettes are not harmless. They have to know that their ads
are influencing the youth under 18 to begin smoking"(Breo). Researchers at the
Medical College of Georgia report that almost as many 6-year olds recognize Joe
Camel as know Mickey Mouse (Breo). That is very shocking information for any
parent to .....
Number of words: 708 | Number of pages: 3 |
<view this essay>.... molecule making
adenosine diphosphate (ADP), but there is only enough ADP for about ten
seconds of work so that is when creatine steps in it gives up its phosphate
to ADP while more ATP is being made. Since it takes you less time to
recover you can work at a higher intensity for longer. This will make your
muscle growth speed up.
Who does creatine effect? Well it benefits those people who are
serious about training body builders, track and field (mostly throwers),
sprint swimmers, anyone who works out for long periods of time at high
intensity. So it won't benefit you if your idea of a work out is getting
some food from the kitchen for the mo .....
Number of words: 848 | Number of pages: 4 |