» English Essays and Papers
Dulce Et Decorum Est 3
<view this essay>.... that his face is probably covered with blood which is the colour symbolizing the devil. A very powerful metaphor is the comparison of painful experiences of the troops to "[v]ile, incurable sores on innocent tongues."(24) This metaphor emphasizes that the troops will never forget these horrific experiences. As you can see, Owen has used figurative language so effectively that the reader gets drawn into the poem.
The images drawn in this poem are so graphic that it could make readers feel sick. For example, in these lines: "If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood/ Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs/ Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud,"(21-23) .....
Number of words: 577 | Number of pages: 3 |
Master Harold... And The Boys
<view this essay>.... of Creation. Hally says that Charles Darwin was "a man of magnitude," (1300) because he was "somebody who benefited all mankind" (1301). He admires Darwin "for his Theory of Evolution" (1301), which according to Hally, proves "where we come from and what it all means" (1301). Sam totally disagrees with Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" (1301) because evolution is in contrast to the Bible's teaching on Creationism, and he says that just because it is in a book it "does not mean [he's] got to believe it" (1301). Sam believes that "Jesus Christ" (1302) was "a man of magnitude" (1300). Hally is obviously against Sam's suggestion of Jesus Christ, because Hally ma .....
Number of words: 936 | Number of pages: 4 |
Food Division In Grass Soup
<view this essay>.... left. In this way Zhang is not as reformed as his fellow intellectuals because the other small workers are quick to criticize others, especially other intellectuals - a form of betrayal. Their betrayal displays the self centered attitude that makes others doubt that particular convict would be fair in the partition. Zhang is more unwilling to turn people in and overanalyze what others say so that he can seem better in the authorities' eyes. Only when he is asked specifically about Babylon does Zhang reveal something negative about him, yet even then he withholds comments that would have surely been used against Mr. "I like to eat watery things". Conv .....
Number of words: 820 | Number of pages: 3 |
Iowa- An American Portrait
<view this essay>.... years. They soon began farming the land and found that one family could make a good living on eighty acres. Work was a necessity to Iowans. It gave meaning and pride to life, and farming was a business that could be passed on from generation to generation.
Corn soon became the crop of choice to Iowa farmers. They found that it was more resistant to disease than the other crops they were growing, such as barley, oats, wheat, and apples. With this newfound “wonder crop”, Iowans found that farming had become the ideal way of life. Working on the farm involved all of the members of the family, which brought them together and made them stronger through har .....
Number of words: 453 | Number of pages: 2 |
Shakespeare - Friar Laurence
<view this essay>.... how he was going to fake Juliet's death. Due to his dauntless attempts to keep the two lovers together, he still failed. This was shown in Act 4 Scene 1 " I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate execution As that is desperate which we would prevent". One of his faults in the plan is shown in Act 5 Scene 3 when Friar John does not know the importance of the letter and does not give it to Romeo. "I could not send it. Nor get a messenger to bring thee, so fearful were they of infection". Another fault to his plan is in Act 3 Scene 3 when he tells Romeo that he will send a friend of his to inform him the news. Instead of telling him that a fellow .....
Number of words: 741 | Number of pages: 3 |
Howl & Kaddish By Allen Ginsberg
<view this essay>.... and the world was experiencing a transition from innocence to a more knowledgeable society. Revolutions in all aspects of life were going on: civil rights, sexual, rock and roll and the introduction of new experimental drugs in the communities of San Francisco and Greenwich Village. Out of all of these revolutions came the beat generation, a group of young Bohemian writers who wrote and thought about the things that Americans used to "throw under the rug". Names can be mentioned: Jack Kerouac, Philip Whalen, Lawrence Felinghetti. Perhaps the most famous and most criticized of these "beatniks" is Allen Ginsberg. Allen Ginsberg was born on J .....
Number of words: 2615 | Number of pages: 10 |
Oedipus: The Mysteries Of Fate
<view this essay>.... and the vagaries of human nature; therefore, according to the facts of
this story, Oedipus was a true victim of fate for several reasons. Laius and
Jocasta, the childless king and queen of Thebes, were told by the god Apollo
that their son would kill his father and marry his mother (page 56). A son was
born to them, and they tried to make sure that the prophecy would not come true.
They drove a metal pin through the infants ankles and gave it to a shepherd,
with instructions to leave it to die. The shepherd pitied the little infant so
he gave the child to another shepherd. This shepherd gave the baby to a
childless king and queen of Corinth, Polybus and Me .....
Number of words: 858 | Number of pages: 4 |
Hills Like White Elephants
<view this essay>.... (464). She is comparing the hills to her own situation, pregnancy. "They’re lovely hills. They really don’t look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees" (465). Just as the hills have their distinct beauty to her, she views pregnancy in the same fashion making the reference to the hills having skin—an enlarged mound forming off of what was once flat. The man views pregnancy just the opposite. When the girl is talking about the white elephants and agrees that the man has never seen one, his response is, "I might have, just because you say I haven’t doesn’t prove anything" (464). This shows the defe .....
Number of words: 995 | Number of pages: 4 |