» English Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... Do you like to use your
hands when you talk in front of an audience? The answer for most people
would be yes. When people express an idea or a thought to someone else,
they move their hands. The “Webster's Dictionary” defines gestures as “a
motion of the body made to express thoughts or to emphasize speech.” Some
gestures might suggest an emotion or expression a person feels. For example,
if a person clenches his or her hands, it might mean that the person is
mad or angry. Sometimes, when I play a tennis match and I win a big point,
I pump my fist with excitement. If students are really bored or tired,
they might put their elbow on the desk and thei .....
Number of words: 667 | Number of pages: 3 |
Heart Of Darkness - Ignorance And Racism
<view this essay>.... racism in a book. Achebe acknowledges Conrad camouflaged racism remarks, saying, "But Conrad chose his subject well - one which was guaranteed not to put him in conflict with psychological pre-disposition..." (Achebe, 253). Having gone back and rereading Heart of Darkness, but this time reading between the lines, I have discovered some racism Conrad felt toward the natives that I had not discovered the first time I read the book. Racism is portrayed in Conrad's book, but one must acknowledge that back in the eighteen hundreds society conformed to it. Conrad probably would have been criticized as being soft hearted rather than a racist back in his time.
Conra .....
Number of words: 1003 | Number of pages: 4 |
Greenspan - The Case For The D
<view this essay>.... Greenspan's book is a diary of controversial and beneficial issues which have hovered around our criminal courts and will continue to plague and pester them for years to come. By observing and understanding certain issues presented in his book, I was able to comprehend what type of person Greenspan is, what he believes in, what he represents and what he would do for his profession. The wheels of Jurisprudence are always turning, and I came to realise how Greenspan worked and bargained for his status in the country to be solidified. This book also flourished with innovative situations pertaining to the most diversified of criminal charges, to the most uncanny re .....
Number of words: 1548 | Number of pages: 6 |
Fate Of Oedipus
<view this essay>.... His every intention only brings him closer to his downfall.
Oedipus' tragic destiny started when he was born. From the day he was born, Oedipus could not choose how he wants to live. He can only live the life that was set up for him. An oracle told his real parents - Laius and Jocasta that Laius would die at the hands of his own child. Out of fear, they pinned Oedipus' ankles and handed him to a shepherd to abandon him to death. " Jocasta: … An oracle came to Laius " (p. 17) to "…to cast upon a deserted mountain path - die."(p. 17). But instead of killing the infant, the shepherd gave him to another shepherd who then gave Oedipus to the King Polybus of Co .....
Number of words: 901 | Number of pages: 4 |
Hamlet Polonius Family
<view this essay>.... a deceitful manner when dealing with Hamlet, it
is only because he is carrying out plans devised by the king or queen
to discover the nature of Hamlet’s madness. Being the king’s Lord
Chamberlain, it is his duty to obey the king and queen’s wishes and it
is this loyalty that eventually proves to be fatal for him. An example
of hoe Polonius’ innocent involvement with the royalty results in his
death can be found at the beginning of Act III, scene iv, when Hamlet
stabs him while he is hiding behind the arras in Gertude’s room. This
shows how Polonius, a man unaware of the true nature of the situation
he is .....
Number of words: 901 | Number of pages: 4 |
Fifth Business Character Foils Of Dunstan Ramsay And Percy S
<view this essay>.... setting for the novel. The two continue to compete throughout the novel, for things such as Leola’s love, military recognition, and more.
Percy’s and Dunstan’s characters contrast in many ways. The most prominent way in which they contrast is their values. Dunstan values spiritual things, while Percy values only material things. Percy is impressed by and yearns for money, while Dunstan could care less about it. Dunstan explains his lack of desire for materialistic things:
Where Boy lived high, I lived - well, not low, but in the way congenial to myself. I thought twenty-four dollars was plenty for a ready-made suit, and four dollars a criminal pric .....
Number of words: 678 | Number of pages: 3 |
Revision Rich
<view this essay>.... the educational system, Rich wants to change writing. Both Freire and Rich want to break from the traditional ways of the past. Rich believes that women need to break from the enduring attitudes of traditions which society has placed upon them. Rich is upset with the limitations placed on women in society, particularly in marriage. It is for this reason that the themes of many of Rich's poems are advice for women to live life for themselves, listening only to what their hearts tell them. The three poems "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers," "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" and "Planetarium" are analyzed to demonstrate the changes in Rich's way of writing.
Rich .....
Number of words: 1381 | Number of pages: 6 |
Love And Lust In Shakespeare’
<view this essay>.... is evil for him, because it persuades him to act with lust. Here initiates the dilema that causes the struggle he has with love ans lust.
It seems that Shakespeare consider women as symbols of lust, since their beuty seduces men and makes them act in response to the evil desires that are inside of them - desires of the flesh -which corrup the spirit. “ Two loves I have of comfort and despair, which like two spirits do suggest me still: The better angel is a man right fair, The worser spirit a woman, colored ill. To win me soon to hell, my female evil. Tempteth my better angel...and would corrupt my saint to be a devil” ( Sonnet 144, page 821, red book). .....
Number of words: 437 | Number of pages: 2 |