» English Essays and Papers
The Nation Takes Shape
<view this essay>.... the expansion of the west, the growth of the economy, the expanding sectional rifts which formed the basis for the civil war, and finally the growth of a more equal democracy. Cunliffe illustrates these points as the way, .
Cunliff first talks about the origin and growth of partisan politics. In doing so, he outlines the process by which the constitution was to be interpreted by the American people. The vagueness of the document led to disputes between various factions of people who interpreted it in different ways. The initial split happened around 1790 when the first bank of the United States was given a twenty-two year charter. This struggle was caused by .....
Number of words: 1532 | Number of pages: 6 |
Huck Finn, Violence And Greed
<view this essay>.... Skillfully, Huck sells his 6,150 dollar fortune to the Judge for one dollar to
ensure his father will never poses it. Sorrowfully, this does not discourage Pap's advances
to retrieve the money. He visits Judge Thatcher only to find that the money is out of his
reach. Furious, these actions of greed turned into actions of violence as Pap kidnaps
Huck and brings him to a cabin in the woods. Ingeniously, Huck devised a plan to
escape. For days Huck sawed a hole in the cabin wall. When pap left one morning, Huck
finished the hole, escaped, and splashed pigs blood on the interior cabin walls to give
Pap the impression that he had been murdere .....
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2 |
Character Analysis Of The Gran
<view this essay>.... best way, but the only way.
The grandmother is determined to change her family's vacation destination as she tries to manipulate her son into going to Tennessee
instead of Florida. She began trying to make Bailey, her son, feel guilty about the children's safety. The grandmother says that "she
couldn't answer to her conscience if she took the children in a direction where there was a convict on the loose." She is not success-ful with Bailey, so she uses the same antics on her daughter-in-law who doesn't even acknowledge her. Before she has a chance to work on the children, they tell her "stay at home if you don't want to go." The grandmother then decides th .....
Number of words: 957 | Number of pages: 4 |
Claudius Vs. Lady Macbeth
<view this essay>.... with his brotherıs wife and desired his position as king. In order to obtain these things he went behind Gertrude, his loverıs, back and murdered her husband. Shortly after, he married her and took the crown. Not only was this extremely deceitful to Gertrude, but it hurt Hamlet, his nephew, extremely. Lady Macbeth was indeed as power hungry as Claudius, and she too plotted a murder in order for her husband to obtain the crown. In doing this she was extremely deceitful of her lover also. She employed many conniving tricks in order to convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan, such as in scene in Act I, scene seven when she says, ³From this time such I account thy .....
Number of words: 1378 | Number of pages: 6 |
Money Equals Happiness In The
<view this essay>.... East Egg natives represent the class of society that receive money from their relatives. They were someone’s heir and rich from birth. It was also known that no one on East Egg would marry someone poor or with new money. Fitzgerald reveals that the life of the privileged class is filled with corruption, carelessness, and materialism through his use of characterization in the novel.
Daisy, the wife of Tom Buchanan, has no goals in life; no discipline, nor any morals. She can’t even think for herself because she has never had to before. She talks to Nick as if he is part of a group which is secluded from the lives of the East Eggers and in some a .....
Number of words: 1228 | Number of pages: 5 |
To Kill A Mockingbird 2
<view this essay>.... first time Atticus Finch accepted the case of Tom Robinson, prejudice seemed to affect Boo Radley, Tom Robinson and especially Jem and Scout, which then realized how disrespectful and discriminating prejudism could be by affecting them all.
Being a target of prejudice, Tom Robinson’s life is destroyed by a young girls own sins and accusations. The novel centers around the trial of Tom Robinson. To the people of Maycomb county, Tom Robinson is just a "sorry nigger," who committed an unthinkable crime. Tom represents the black race in American society. He is a victim of racism, which was the major controversy in the culture at the time. Like Boo Radley, Tom .....
Number of words: 2347 | Number of pages: 9 |
Othello 8
<view this essay>.... person is purely physical attraction, while another thinks of marriage as the most sacred bond. It is very interesting to see what a wide spectrum of opinions people have on love.
Unlike most women, Emilia thinks of love in a souly physical way. Typically, men usually are the ones to have these opinions of woman, yet Emilia very strongly feels that as long as she is physically satisfied, that is all she needs. She doesn’t look for emotional support in a man; Emilia tends to look to other woman for that kind of support. In Emilia’s opinion, men are useless for anything other than sex. “Let husbands know their wives have sense like them, they .....
Number of words: 682 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Joy Luck Club Anthro
<view this essay>.... a meeting for her in China. The party is a going away party for June’s trip to China. At the party June realizes that she was expected to take the place of her mother at the mahjong table. June sat at the East where it all starts “The Joy Luck Club”. The Joy Luck club was a weekly meeting of the best friends, were they talked about their hopes for their daughters and there stories of the past.
The swan feather in the beginning was a symbol of all the hopes and dreams that the mother wanted to give to her daughter. This woman crossing a vast ocean, with only the company of a swan, yet she is not scared. She has dreams for her daughter, a .....
Number of words: 2672 | Number of pages: 10 |