» English Essays and Papers
Educating Rita
<view this essay>.... want to know? – Everything." Later on however, she becomes independent, and does not need him to live with. This point in the play divides the love in the story since Rita does not see Frank as often, and seems to care less about him. Throughout the play, Frank has the completely opposite aspect. He doesn’t need her at the beginning, only giving her literature lessons, and after a while, feels very attracted to her and will find it extremely hard to keep on living without her. "Rita. Don’t go."
In the beginning of the play, both characters start out living with someone else. Rita is married and lives with her husband, and Frank lives with his gir .....
Number of words: 1427 | Number of pages: 6 |
The Allegory Of The Cave
<view this essay>.... is saying that humans are all prisoners and that the tangible world is our cave. The things which we perceive as real are actually just shadows on a wall. Just as the escaped prisoner ascends into the light of the sun, we amass knowledge and ascend into the light of true reality: ideas in the mind. Yet, if someone goes into the light of the sun and beholds true reality and then proceeds to tell the other captives of the truth, they laugh at and ridicule the enlightened one, for the only reality they have ever known is a fuzzy shadow on a wall. They could not possibly comprehend another dimension without beholdin! g it themselves, therefore, they label the en .....
Number of words: 428 | Number of pages: 2 |
Shawshank Redemption 2
<view this essay>.... constantly resists sexually advances by other inmates. While facing other ordeals he hopes to find a group of people he can identify with. Andy uses his vast financial knowledge to help a prison guard keep a tax free $35,000 left to him by his brother. His only request is that the prison guard gives all the prisoners three beers each. Andy then makes his friends for the duration of his stay at Shawshank Prison.
The next challenge that Andy faces is keeping the one thing that he holds dear, hope. The hope that he would one day live as free man once again. Andy's best friend is a man named Red. Red was convicted of murder during a robbery at an age of 18 .....
Number of words: 658 | Number of pages: 3 |
“Et Tu Brute?” Caesar Sputtere
<view this essay>.... the inhabitants believed that death was most certainly not the end. As a matter of fact, many of these people built entire religions around the prospect of life after death, such as the Greeks and the Romans. A strong belief of the Greeks was that the ghost or “shade” was so extremely powerful that “many a time the murderer would mutilate his victim to flee the dead man’s direct revenge.” (B-Revenge)
Another strong belief in the idea of blood-revenge centered around native gods. The people of the time believed that the gods played an important role in blood-revenge, especially if one of their laws were defied. In the Odyssey, Zeus and Athena intervene on Odysse .....
Number of words: 711 | Number of pages: 3 |
Irony Moll Flanders
<view this essay>.... autobiography (the novel is written in the first person) Moll's life seems to be fill of contrasts and ironic situations, but is that not interpretation? This essay will discuss the irony in the novel Moll Flanders taking examples from the book to prove whether or not it should be considered as a ironic novel. Let's have a look at the interpretations that one may have.
As a preliminary, it must be noted that Moll has a basically bipartie structure, the first part containing Moll's sexual adventures, the second her life as a thief, her imprisonment, and her transportation to America. The difference here, however, is that Defoe has effected an organic rathe .....
Number of words: 2958 | Number of pages: 11 |
Celia Behind Me
<view this essay>.... had sucked my thumb so openly in kindergarten that “Sucky” had stuck with me all the way to Grade 3 where I now balanced at a hazardous point,…” (292). Fear from being teased empowers her to pick on Celia with the rest of the kids.
Part of Elizabeth’s frustration comes from the fact that Celia represents much of what Elizabeth doesn't like about herself. She would be happy if Celia reminded her of some better-looking person. But that’s not the case. Her conscious reminds her of similarities between two of them. “I was kind of chunky and wore glasses too, …” (292). She struggles with her fear of becomi .....
Number of words: 397 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Birthmark
<view this essay>.... advanced within the confines of the past two hundred years or so. Skills and procedures that have been learned during this time can be used in such powerful ways. Anyone can become practically anybody else they choose—just a clip here, slice there, take fat cells from here and add them to there, and voila…a new person. However, Mother Nature as been around for quite a bit longer, and she knows what she is doing—leave her alone! Messing with nature’s intent is dangerous and I wouldn’t go there.
Aylmer Chillingworth, a scientist in Hawthorne’s short story, "," has married a young woman, a certain Georgianna, despite the fact she possesse .....
Number of words: 623 | Number of pages: 3 |
Canterbury Tales Critical Anal
<view this essay>.... included writing about several characters of high social standing, Chaucer gave his readers a taste of social variety by involving various characters from a spectrum of social classes. In the Canterbury Tales, this diverse group of characters was individually responsible for narrating two stories while on a pilgrimage that journeyed from Southwark to Canterbury, and two stories while on the return trip from Canterbury to Southwark. Chaucer only finished twenty-two of these narratives before his death in 1400. Still, through the twenty-two stories he did write, he managed to capture the culture and mind set of England's occupants during this transitional per .....
Number of words: 1249 | Number of pages: 5 |