» English Essays and Papers
Act One Of Othello
<view this essay>.... is not a mindless pleasure. There must be intellectual and emotional engagement on the spectator�s part. According to Aristotle, to stimulate the intellectual engagement of the audience and thus create this pleasure in the spectator, a masterful piece of art or literature must contain a degree of ambiguity in its ideas. This is the reason for the social commentaries that Shakespeare includes in his work:
The play commences with two characters apparently arguing over money. Shakespeare immediately sets the mood of conflict for the remainder of the play, it is important because the reader at the outset is given a choice; who to believe and who is right. Shakespea .....
Number of words: 2467 | Number of pages: 9 |
The Entomology Of A Word
<view this essay>.... the January 22 edition of Engineering, this usage appeared: "This was� a computer made by Mr. W. Cox. He described it as of the nature of a circular slide rule." This usage began the change of the definition. In the supplement to the OED, "computer" is now defined as a calculating machine; an automatic electronic device for performing mathematical or logical operation. The word "computer" stems from the verb "compute" which came from the French comput-r and the Latin computa-re. It was formed by adding com - together and putare - to clear up, settle, reckon. Together, "compute" means to estimate or determine by arithmetical or mathematical reckoning; to calcul .....
Number of words: 828 | Number of pages: 4 |
<view this essay>.... good in nature. Good can be defined as forgiving, honest,
innocent and unsuspecting. The evil contained within Othello is by no means magical
or mythical yet is represented by the character Iago. Iago is cunning, untrustworthy,
selfish, and plotting. He uses these traits to his advantage by slowly planning his own
triumph while watching the demise of others. It is this that is Iago's motivation. The
ultimate defeat of good by the wrath of evil. Not only is it in his own nature of evil
that he suceeds but also in the weaknesses of the o .....
Number of words: 1627 | Number of pages: 6 |
The Red Badge Of Courage 4
<view this essay>.... about true war there. The camp is the base where the Union army would set up for the night. The forest is the main setting though, because Henry learns about true bravery and valor there. The first conflict of the story is when the Union regiment is about to have their first battle ever. Henry is so scared of all the gunfire and bloodshed that he runs away and deserts his regiment in the field of battle. He, and a few other soldiers hide before the battle is over.
After the battle, Henry finds his friend Jim. He walks and talks with Jim about the war until Jim dies. Henry, sad about losing one of his good friends, begins to wander around in the fore .....
Number of words: 882 | Number of pages: 4 |
Similarities Between Primates And Humans
<view this essay>.... that diet is only one aspect of species adaptation. The diet of muriquis and other monkeys consists of leaves from various plants as well as fruits. The nutrients which they receive from fruits are much more beneficial to them, in that they provide them with higher levels of energy. The muriquis rapid level of digestion prevent them from surviving on leaves alone. Although the advantage to their expeditious process of anabolism they do not have to be as cautious about what they eat. Strier also examined muriquis feces for intestinal parasite infections.
Her findings concluded that there were no parasites found in muriquis monkeys at Fazenda Montes Claros .....
Number of words: 665 | Number of pages: 3 |
King Lear Vs. Glouchester
<view this essay>.... are characters used by Shakespeare to show the relevance of having a clear vision in life.
Lear's vision is marred by lack of direction in life, poor foresight and his inability to predict the consequences of his actions. He cannot look far enough into the future to see the consequences of his actions. This, in addition to his lack of insight into other people, condemns his relationship with his most beloved daughter, Cordelia. When Lear asks his daughters, who loves him most, he already thinks that Cordelia has the most love for him. However, when Cordelia says: "I love your Majesty according to my bond, no more nor less." (I, i, 94-95) Lear cannot .....
Number of words: 1933 | Number of pages: 8 |
The Adventures Of Huckleberry
<view this essay>.... he do to you?" and then Huck replies, "Him he never did nothin to me." Huck questions, "Well, then, what did ya kill him for?" And the young lad answers, "Why nothin, only its on accout of the fued." This scene is showing that they are killing each other for unknown reasons. Buck killed a Shephardson just because and that is the only reason. He was brought up thinking to kill the Shephardson was the right thing to do. Later in the novel it is asked, "Well, who done the shooting? Was it a Grangerford or a Shephardson?" Buck replies, "Laws, how do I know? It was so long ago." The reader is sadden by this moment that is shown through irony. This feud .....
Number of words: 768 | Number of pages: 3 |
Early American Writers
<view this essay>.... to the ground. Nevertheless, she did not shed
to many tears because she knew that "Thou hast an house on high erect," meaning
that her real home was in heaven. She found comfort in god and her belief in
her made her strong and able to move on in her life. When she starts thinking
about all her possessions that she had lost she would "Raise up thy thoughts
above the sky . . . " and remember these things do not matter, what matters is
her "house on high."
Jonathan Edwards also found comfort in god, "leading me to sweet
contemplations of my great and glorious God." Jonathan was also a puritan from
the early America, however, he was a preacher.
Like Anne .....
Number of words: 515 | Number of pages: 2 |