» English Essays and Papers
Heart Of Darkness
<view this essay>.... journey to the Congo region because he discovered, through his work, the reality of the universe, such as the great virtue of efficiency, the darkness in society and individuals and the surface reality. When Kurtz found himself on his deathbed and he said �gThe horror, The horror referring to his life in inner Africa, which caused him disintegration. Marlow emphasized the virtue of �gefficiency�h throughout the story because he thought of it as the only way to survive in the wilderness. After seeing the dying natives in the forest of the outer station, Marlow described them as �ginefficient.�h Under �gthe devotion to efficiency,�h incompetent people were exclu .....
Number of words: 1091 | Number of pages: 4 |
African Literature: In The Cutting Of A Drink And The Return
<view this essay>.... tells us what a wonderful loving person
his aunt is. In the first section the speaker tells us how his aunt would wake
up at the crack of dawn and build a fire. Then she would begin cooking porridge.
In the second section of the poem the speaker talks about waking up "out of the
nagging nightmare." Then the speaker describes his aunt a little bit more, "her
soft but husky call." In the last section the speaker talks about how kind his
aunt is to take care of his brothers and sisters while his parents "strayed to
the copper mines."
This poem makes me think about my grandma and all the wonderful things she
has done for me. The speakers aunt is an ol .....
Number of words: 1230 | Number of pages: 5 |
Life On The Color Line
<view this essay>.... their father that he was a black man and that in Muncie, they, too, would be black.
Although the boys looked white, and their father who passed for Italian had married a white woman from Muncie, their grandmother was a black woman from Kentucky now settled in Muncie with only the barest means of subsistence. The boys first stayed with relatives who could not afford to keep them and eventually were raised by a black woman, Miss Dora, who had no kinship relation with them, but believed they deserved a chance. Greg Williams was singled out by his family and his father to excel, to leave Muncie, and to make his fortune through his brains and academic prowess. .....
Number of words: 389 | Number of pages: 2 |
Lord Of The Flies - The Beast
<view this essay>.... on the island, when a little boy with a mulberry-coloured birthmark on his face informed everyone of a �beastie,� which he apparently saw on the previous night. At the time, this was dismissed by the older boys as his imagination, but even at that early stage it was evident that the younger children were troubled by the little boy�s words. It must be noted at this point that there was no definite physical appearance to the beast because it was assumed to be the over-active imagination of little children at work. At the same time it is obvious that Golding uses the early chapters in the book to set the scene for the chaos and terror of the beast that follows. .....
Number of words: 1338 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Yellow Wallpaper 5
<view this essay>.... of the wallpaper, ugly though it may be, symbolically putting her own views of herself onto it. Eventually, the woman loses all ability to distinguish reality from illusion and completely loses her mind. Gilman suggests to the reader that by accepting the norms and roles of society and thus repressing one’s true desires and feelings can only lead to a loss of identity and sanity. This attitude is brought to light in the reader’s mind through observance of the woman’s increasing mental instability as she gives more and more life to the wallpaper each time she resumes writing.
At the beginning of her story, the woman reveals much about .....
Number of words: 1541 | Number of pages: 6 |
Great Gatsby Essay
<view this essay>.... for the first time in years, it was almost like he was talking to a famous movie star. Daisy didn�t feel that way. She used to love him, but not anymore.
Also, if Gatsby and Daisy met under other circumstances, such
as each of them having no money and Daisy not being married, their
relationship may have worked out. But because of the circumstances,
their relationship was doomed to fail.
Of all of the relationships, I think that the most honest was
between Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker. This is ironic because it
was Jordan�s compulsive dishonesty that ruined the relationship. They
weren�t secretly seeing each other behind other people�s ba .....
Number of words: 371 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Crucible 10
<view this essay>.... his wife’s (Elizabeth Proctor) place. Everything gets out of hand and suddenly there supposedly is witchcraft in Salem, and the children involved in this all lie there way out, and accuse
innocent villagers of devilish work.
One obvious reason Abigail Williams has for blaming John Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth Proctor, of witchcraft, is the fact that she is madly in love with John Proctor. Elizabeth knows this, too, and has even caught her husband with Abigail once. She then got rid of her as a maid, and put her on the road. When she is talking to her uncle, Reverend Parris, she even mentions that “She [Elizabeth Proctor] hates me, uncle. .....
Number of words: 858 | Number of pages: 4 |
Young Goodman Brown - Symbolism
<view this essay>.... by their orthodox faith, dealt with the ungodly wilderness around them. Set in Salem during the early witchcraft day of then, Young Goodman Brown�s experience in the dark, evil forest correlated and would have been recognized by Puritans as a symbol of mistrust of their own corrupt hearts and faculties. Just as man could not trust the shadows and figures he saw hidden in the forest, he could not trust his own desires. Those desires had to be tested through his journey into the forest. Those evil spirits constantly tortured the Puritan, constantly reminding him of his sin and the battle in his own heart. Hawthorne used the presence of these demon in "Y .....
Number of words: 1290 | Number of pages: 5 |