» Economy and Money Essays and Papers
From Welfare To Workfare
<view this essay>.... conservative party in 1994
he promised a "common sense revolution". This mixed with the huge unpopularity
of Bob Ray's policies, made him a favourite for the upcoming election. With
this new "common sense revolution", came Ontario Works, or workfare. (a program
designed to help recipients find their cheques) The workfare topic was a huge
issue to voters, and will effect not only the thousands of Ontario welfare
recipients but every Ontarioan in one way or another. When the election was
close, Mike Harris often called workfare his "hand up" on the other candidates,
(Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Nov. 17, 1995, 846), arguing that the current
we .....
Number of words: 2425 | Number of pages: 9 |
U.S. Wage Trends
<view this essay>.... 7% for those with some college education. Only the wages of college graduates are up.
Of the fastest growing technical jobs, software engineering tops the list. Carnegie Mellon University reports, "recruitment of its software engineering students is up this year by over 20%." All engineering jobs are paying well; proving that highly skilled labor is what employers want! "There is clear evidence that the supply of workers in the [unskilled labor] categories already exceeds the demand for their services," says L. Mishel, Research Director of Welfare Reform Network.
In view of these facts, I wonder if these trends are good or bad for society. "The danger of the .....
Number of words: 1149 | Number of pages: 5 |
Poverty Vs. The Economy
<view this essay>.... income evenly. Despite all
the conceptual and technical problems of measurement, the government has
devised a widely cited poverty index that reflects the different consumption
requirements of families depending on their size and composition, on the sex and
age of the family head, and on weather they live in rural or urban areas. Based
on past surveys, the designers of the poverty index determined that families of
three or more person spend approximately one-third of their income on food.
Thus, the poverty level for these families was, therefore, set at three times
the cost of the economy food plan. For smaller families and persons living
alone, the c .....
Number of words: 1489 | Number of pages: 6 |
Investing In Your Future, Should Retirement Savings Be Compulsory?
<view this essay>.... money. To provide for this retirement period a substantial amount of money has too be put aside, the problem is though, where is this money going to come from.
Retirement income has become one of the major public policy issues of our times. This reflects older citizens’ legitimate concerns about having enough income in their retirement, and policy makers’ and taxpayers, concerns about how public contributions to retirement are to be funded with an aging population. Providing for retirement in New Zealand can be grouped into three major categories.
1.) Public Pensions
2.) Private and Occupational Pensions
3.) Private Investment and Savings.
Until 1898 New .....
Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3 |
The History Of Hewlett-Packard
<view this essay>.... said. “It is not an even split: the bulk of the operations, accounting for $39.5 billion of the company’s $47.1 billion of sales in its latest financial year, will remain with Hewlett-Packard Co., including its printing and computer division. The measurement company, which has not yet been named, will comprise Hewlett-Packard’s test-and-measurement components, chemical analysis and medical businesses.”
The guidelines for the split is based on financial analysis gathered over the last two accounting years. The company’s stock price growth has lagged behind the overall stock market with in this time period and HP stated “that revenue growth was weak and re .....
Number of words: 441 | Number of pages: 2 |
Administrative Decision Making
<view this essay>.... Number: 5621
Current Stock Price: $47.50
The Limited, Inc. was founded by Leslie H. Wexner on August 10, 1963, beginning with one store located in Columbus, Ohio. During its first year in operation, this store achieved sales of $157,000. His strategy was to provide a "limited" assortment of quality, fashionable sportswear at medium prices. The "limited" concept worked well and by the late 1970s, Wexner began a twofold strategy of market development and product development. New stores were opened and acquired an appeal to women of different ages, sizes, and budget limits.
The Limited, Inc. is comprised of a unique family of brands. Since .....
Number of words: 4540 | Number of pages: 17 |
The Business Life Of Ancient Athens
<view this essay>.... any crops that might grow in the soil. Peasants were also sent to
work at farms but they lost care in their farms and found it better to live in
the city, living off small amounts of money that came from doing state services.
During this time, many people learned ways of math because they needed to know
how much grain is needed per person. Although these calculations are not
totally accurate, they are a start in banking and maybe even other ways of
mathematics. The Peloponnesian War also occurred- leaving Greece(Attica) with
nothing. Attica was forced by famine to go under Peloponnesian rule. By now,
trade had come in an uproar. Many people had found it .....
Number of words: 1356 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Trade Practise Act
<view this essay>.... for the protection of the consumer. It implies to the following situations:-
- “A promise by the seller that the buyer will become the owner”
If a car dealer breaks a promise or part of a contract, for example that he has the right to sell a car, and the car is stolen then although the buyer will have to give the car back he/she will get her money back.
- “ A promise by the seller that goods will fit the description supplied by the seller”
In this case the buyer is protected if the seller makes a promise, which is a condition of the contract, describing the product, and when the buyer receives the product, it does not match the description.
- “ A prom .....
Number of words: 1164 | Number of pages: 5 |