» Book Reports Essays and Papers
Of Mice And Men: Lennie And George
<view this essay>.... come. Unfortunately
our dreams don't always coincide with reality.
George and Lennie are two incongruent characters, where one is small,
alert, and clever; the other huge, and powerful, however, bears the mind of
a child. They compliment eachother in many ways, but deep within they have
an inseparable relationship. "Sometimes you just get used to a guy." The
two have grown together, and they live a part of eachother. George, being
the leader of the two, has the responsibility of caring for Lennie, who is
much like a child in his ways, however, far more dangerous than his inner
character reflects. George has to keep a watchful eye over Lennie, for
without .....
Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3 |
Wuthering Heights 2
<view this essay>.... the end of the novel as well, for when the weather becomes nice it is not only symbolic of the changing times, and the changing people, but also a new beginning. During his stay at Thrushcross Grange Mr. Lockwood made the perilous journey to Wuthering Heights only a few times. On the occasion of his second visit, "the snow began to drive thickly"(7) during his walk, and this horrible weather should have been foreshadowing to Lockwood about Heathcliff's, and the other member's of the household's true personalities. Upon arriving he was forced to bang continually upon the door before someone would take the care to let him in out of the cold. The dinner that .....
Number of words: 1213 | Number of pages: 5 |
Macbeth And Lady Macbeth
<view this essay>.... changed when greed and jealously gave way to murder. Knowing that Duncan was soon to pay a visit to Macbeth's castle, Macbeth, momentarily entertains the idea of killing the king, but trembles at such sinful thoughts. Frightened, he says, "Present fears" (Shakespeare 136) "Are less than horrible imaginings" (Shakespeare 137). Lady Macbeth falls in with Macbeth's plot with greater energy than Macbeth himself. She vows adamantly that, "He that's coming / Must be provided for" (Shakespeare 62-63), implying that Duncan must be killed.
Driven by fear of suspicion by day, and terrible dreams by night, Macbeth becomes completely paranoid with everyone, including B .....
Number of words: 645 | Number of pages: 3 |
Candide: Problems With Everyday Surroundings
<view this essay>.... main character in this novel as Candide. He is a character to whom everything happens without any active participation on his part. His naïve optimism lays him open to every imaginable disaster such as this incident, shown in chapter two: “With proper legal procedure he was asked which he would prefer, to be beaten thirty-six times by the whole regiment, or to receive twelve bullets in his brain.” That is just one of the many predicaments in which our main character becomes involved in. Another such incident occurs in chapter fifteen when Candide is faced with his true love’s brother. In this scene the brother is outraged that Candide has expres .....
Number of words: 796 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Sun Also Rises: A Hero
<view this essay>.... the story The Sun Also Rises, Robert tells Jake Barnes, his friend, that he doesn't enjoy watching bullfighting and he thinks it is abnormal. This is a good example of why Cohn is not a Hemingway Hero, because only a real man would like to watch a bullfight. Jake Barnes doesn't consider Cohn his best friend and can be found crasking jokes at Robert Cohn. Cohn is the kind of person that intrudes on people. He doesn't see thar he is sometimes unwanted at times.
Antoher reason that Robert Cohn is not considered a hero is because he doesn't understand the art of sports. Cohn doesn't really like to box, but learns to, so that he can defend himself. Robe .....
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... of Dostoevsky’s personal value system is easy to decipher. A quick analysis of the main character, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, leads to the parallel of Rodion and . ’s “life was as dark and dramatic as the great novels he wrote.” Born in Moscow in 1821, he was the son of a former army surgeon who was killed by his own serfs because of his alcoholism and the brutality that followed his drinking fits. He was never close to his father possibly because of alcoholism, this is creates a hatred towards fatherly figures. The only father seen in the novel, Marmeladov, is a drunkard and is portrayed as a “dead-beat” dad, who only dr .....
Number of words: 1422 | Number of pages: 6 |
Lord Of The Flies: Opportunity
<view this essay>.... by William Golding, one can see how children react to certain situations. Children, when given the opportunity, would choose to play and have fun rather than to do boring, hard work. Also, when children have no other adults to look up to they turn to other children for leadership. Finally, children stray towards savagery when they are without adult authority. In Lord of The Flies, Golding succeeds in effectively representing the interests and attitudes of young children in this novel.
When children are given the opportunity, they would rather envelop themselves in pleasure and play than in the stresses of work. The boys show enmity towards building the she .....
Number of words: 1561 | Number of pages: 6 |
"Managemment Of Grief" And "A Pair Of Tickets": Women's Images
<view this essay>.... up woman. I was
so well brought up I never felt comfortable calling my husband by his first
name" (Mukherjee 537). For a person who grew up in North American society this
revelation may seem to come from an oppressed female, but later on in the story
we learn that protagonist could stand up for herself and for other women, like
in the airport incident. There again we were reminded of the way she was
brought up: "Once upon a time we were well brought up women; we were dutiful
wives who kept our heads veiled, our voices shy and sweet" (543). Only this
time the statement is ironic. Shaila's actions show us that she is far from the
voiceless, week female s .....
Number of words: 882 | Number of pages: 4 |