» Biographies Essays and Papers
Bill Gates
<view this essay>.... tic-tac-toe"(Gates 1). It was at Lakeside that Gates met Paul Allen, who later became cofounder with Gates of Microsoft. There they became friends and "began to mess around with the computer"(Gates 2). Back in the sixties and early seventies computer time was expensive. "This is what drove me to the commercial side of the software business"(Gates 12). Gates, Allen and a few others from Lakeside got entry-level software programming jobs. One of Gates early programs that he likes to brag about was written at this time. It was a program that scheduled classes for students. "I surreptitiously added a few instructions and found myself nearly the only guy .....
Number of words: 1629 | Number of pages: 6 |
Jonathan Swift: Misguided And Incorrect Criticisms
<view this essay>.... right to passion. His most famous work, Gulliver's Travels,
has resulted in attacks on his writing style, and his cruel, invidious
assaults on sin have led to cries of egotist, misanthrope and sadist.
Every one of these accusations is false. Jonathan Swift's critics are
misguided and incorrect in their attacks on his beliefs and writings.
Jonathan Swift is falsely accused of heresy for attacking human life.
Swift infuriates some critics for criticizing something that they feel must
be divine since it is the chief instrument of God. These critics argue
that human nature must be dignified if it is the key theme of Christianity.
They, however, are wrong, .....
Number of words: 2151 | Number of pages: 8 |
Thomas Jefferson
<view this essay>.... of our government, and consequently those which ought to shape it�s administration�" (Cunningham). Here he reiterated his basic political principles and the leading policies that he had professed as a candidate, which he now restated as the guiding pillars of his administration. He began by affirming "�equal and exact justice to all his men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.�" Next, Jefferson proclaimed, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." He then went on to affirm his commitment to the rights of the states and the preservation of the central governme .....
Number of words: 989 | Number of pages: 4 |
Criticism Of Alexander Pope
<view this essay>.... verses and at the age of sixteen didn't know that his later writings would be published as his "Pastorals."(The New Enc. Britannica; Vol. 9,605) In 1700 the Pope family moved to Whithill house at
Binfield in Winsor Forest, up till then Pope was a healthy child until 5 years after their move he was diagnosed with tubercular bone disease. Throughout his life he would refer to it as "long Disease, my life."(http://landlow .stg.brown.edu/c32/pope/bio.html) The disease left him frail, likely to obtain various other illnesses, humpbacked, and fully-grown at a height of only four and a half feet. In his early twenties he frequently visited London and became acquai .....
Number of words: 1173 | Number of pages: 5 |
Mark Twain
<view this essay>.... was kept indoors mostly because of his poor health. He stayed mostly in the house until he was about nine, when he seemed to recover and join the rest on the town�s children outside. Twain attended private school. He attended private school for the first time at the age of nine.Twain didn�t have very luxurious life growing up because his family was extremely poor. Because of his upbringing, Twain started believing that slavery was part of the natural order. Twain�s childhood may not have been luxurious but it was a curious childhood full of weird, fantastic impressions and many contradictory influences. Like his father never really being there for his k .....
Number of words: 1019 | Number of pages: 4 |
Adolf Hitler's Traits
<view this essay>.... the age of sixteen, spending only 10 years in school. Sadly, he didn�t even get into a art academy, even though it was his goal in life to become an artist. Arthur Schlesinger says that �However in his last year of school he failed German and Mathematics, and only succeeded in Gym and Drawing. He drooped out of school at the age of 16, spending a total of 10 years in school,�(Arthur M. Schlesinger 1985, 14) Even though he didn�t have a normal amount of education, he still became the leader of Germany.
Adolf Hitler, nevertheless, was a great orator and when he spoke, everybody listened. He sometimes spoke several times a day, moving from town to town se .....
Number of words: 1047 | Number of pages: 4 |
Grace Hopper Biography
<view this essay>.... and physics. After four years of hard work she graduated with Phi Beta Kappa honors and a Vassar College Fellowship. With that she progressed to earning her MA in mathematics at Yale University in 1930, and her Ph.D. in 1934, along with two Sterling Scholarships and an election to Sigma Xi. While finishing her college education she married the New York University English teacher Vincent Hopper. Her computer technology life would soon begin following her graduation.
Upon graduating, Grace was accepted to the Bureau of Ordinance at Harvard University. That is when she was introduced to and assigned to work on Mark I -- the first large-scale U.S. com .....
Number of words: 523 | Number of pages: 2 |
Ann Frank
<view this essay>.... Peter.
was an average looking girl. Her hair was short and dark. She loved to play outside, ride her bike. She had friends at school. Ann was sometimes annoying to her family because she was so full of energy. She talked a lot and always stated her opioion about things even when her opinion was not asked for. Sometimes Ann would hurt her mothers feelings because she did not listen. Ann said she didn’t mean to be bad or hurt her mother. She felt like the good Ann was inside her.
Ann was compassionate she cared about other people’s feelings. She wanted to make Hanukkah special during their time in the annex. Ann had no money so she had .....
Number of words: 493 | Number of pages: 2 |